[plug] Debian releases

Linda Ray lindarayonline at gmail.com
Fri Aug 14 04:37:54 UTC 2015

Hello Laurie, I used qbittorrent to download Debian/Jessie 8 version
from (not SourceForge.net) but the other one now preferred I believe is
from site called github..,
using Australian or Western Australian mirror on the list shown and then
BURNT (not copied) with xfburn, or handbrake application, the ISO to a
DVD (I used a re-writable one) in case it didn't work.

You will need to search for the appropriate one to suit your laptop..
mine was amd64 version for linux installed on Toshiba Satellite
LD50D-B02H, which had issues
with wi-fi... I mainly use the ethernet cable from wifi modem and into
NBN and separate usb wi-fi TP-link TL-WN821N which was working but not
at the moment (to be sorted).

I hope that helps.

Kind Regards,
newbie Linda

On 14/08/15 12:18, lranderson wrote:
>      Hi plugger's everywhere,
>      Could someone tell me where I can obtain a current copy of Debian.
>      Full details would be good.
>      Thanks 
>      Laurie
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