[plug] Linux training for ...

Onno Benschop onno at itmaze.com.au
Tue Dec 8 01:00:03 UTC 2015

Good morning,

I'm on day two of the Pawsey Supercomputer training and loving it. Thanks
for publishing it here!

During the course it occurred to me that there must be some face to face
training around to learn about Linux.

I also wondered if there was anything for small business specifically, so
they might reap the rewards associated with Linux and Open Source.

Similarly, I'm guessing that there is opportunity for education for

Do such things exist in Perth or is this an opportunity for PLUG to get
some publicity, outreach and generate income?

I'm also in the middle of publishing a lot of podcasts and wonder if there
is interest in me interviewing members and/or the OSS community for the
same publicity, outreach and income purposes.

If you're interested, I'm about to put my LCA2014 interviews up as a
podcast - as soon as I've processed the meta data. Some Amateur Radio ones
are already up: http://podcasts.itmaze.com.au/

Would love to hear what people think about this.
finger painting on glass is an inexact art - apologies for any errors in
this scra^Hibble

()/)/)() ..ASCII for Onno..
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