[plug] Multifunction printer/scanner

Brad Campbell brad at fnarfbargle.com
Thu May 21 05:08:27 UTC 2015

On 21/05/15 12:39, David Dartnall wrote:
> Some advice appreciated please.
> I have a Brother DCP-385C printer/scanner, which has been a great piece
> of gear for years.
> The problem has been drivers, solved up to now with Brother assistance
> and a bit of messing around.
> I have recently installed ubuntu 15.04 and while the Brother printer
> driver software works fine, there's no way I can get the scanner working.
> I'm sick of having to install drivers and modify files to get the
> Brother stuff working every time a new version of linux is installed!
> Could someone please recommend a printer/scanner which is linux compatible?
> Dave Dartnall
> Thank you Margaret and Milan, both suggesting HP and giving me ideas to
> follow up. I'll do just that and advise the outcome after purchase.
> V-V also includes HPLIP.

I'm going to sound like a salesman here, but I'll just say I've been 
buying printers and scanners now for about 20 years and every time I've 
bought a non-HP product I've been burned. The only non-HP product that 
ever worked reliably for me long term was an Epson LX-80 9 pin dot 
matrix printer bought by my Father (and that was about 1984).

This applies as much to the software as to the hardware and resulting 

This is just one man's opinion and I'm sure plenty of people have 
contrary experience. I know the newer HP stuff is considerably cheaper 
than the boat anchors I buy and maintain, but even my wife's OfficeJet 
has been a little trooper.

As always. This advice is worth precisely what you paid for it.


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