[plug] Monitor resolution changes on opening a console terminal

byron ester byronester at gmail.com
Fri Sep 8 12:56:16 AWST 2017

Wow, that is strange then. I've never heard of this before.
Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance :(

On Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 11:46 AM, Kevin Shackleton <krshackleton at gmail.com>

> Hi Byron,
> Thanks for your response.
> That's the gist of 99% of Google hits too, but it's not my problem.  When
> I open a terminal, the monitor changes to 1680x1050 and the 80x25 console
> window is a (relatively large) item on the monitor.  The monitor should
> stay at 4k resolution and show a little console window somewhere onscreen.
> Where is the setting that needlessly and unwantedly changes the monitor
> resolution?  Is it perhaps a named resolution, that I can't grep '1680'?
> Cheers
> Kevin
> .
> On 8 Sep. 2017 11:34, "byron ester" <byronester at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Gnome Terminal and xterm work in columns and rows, not necessarily screen
>> resolution.
>> That's why you can't find the setting for it in your config files.
>> 1680 is the screen res. What you want to look for is the config setting
>> for the rows x columns.
>> For example 80x40.
>> I'm in windows atm, otherwise I'd have a poke and let you know where to
>> look.
>> cya
>> Best of luck
>> Byron
>> On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 4:50 PM, Kevin Shackleton <krshackleton at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I have a first world problem.  I updated my display from (2 of) 1680 *
>>> 1050 to (1 of) 4K.  All sweet.
>>> However, when I open a terminal, the screen switches to 1680 * 1050
>>> resolution, as though that's a setting in .bashrc or similar.
>>> I can't find a Google hit on this problem, and I can't rgrep any config
>>> file (such as .config/monitors.xml) in my home folders or in /etc
>>> containing "1680".  The system should not prefer this resolution any more.
>>> It's interesting that the resize occurs when opening either Gnome
>>> Terminal or xterm, suggesting it's not a config for one app.
>>> Any clues?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kevin.
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