[plug] OpenSprinkler group order

Gregory Orange home at oranges.id.au
Thu Apr 23 19:15:26 AWST 2020

Hi everyone,

I'm staring down the barrel of a garden reticulation project, and just in time came across this project:


I would like to get a Pi version, and a friend noticed that they're cheaper price and postage if you buy 5. Can I interest some people in joining up and placing an order?

* OpenSprinkler Pi AUD$121 (subject to exchange rate) delivered, 3-7 weeks
* 24V power pack $22 group buy from Altronics (happy to look elsewhere)

Plus a Raspberry Pi. It can be any[1] 2, 3 or 4. I may be able to just use my NUC, but I'm not sure of the details yet. Failing that, I see I can get a 3 A+ for $45 plus power supply.


[1] Zeros technically work, but I'm not interested in the extra work and likely expense which could quickly eat up the savings. https://opensprinkler.com/raspberry-pi-zero-works-with-opensprinkler-pi/

Gregory Orange

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