[plug] Annoying snmp broadcasts

Brad Campbell brad at fnarfbargle.com
Sat Mar 19 16:39:33 AWST 2022

G'day all,

For "a while" now I've been getting messages in my log :
Mar 18 21:43:06 192.168.xx.xx-1 OSAPI[34676556]: osapi_support.c(770) 38530 %% Failed to send 239 byte message to 192.168.xx.xx on socket with fd 18. Error 22 (Invalid argument).
Mar 18 21:43:06 192.168.xx.xx-1 OSAPI[27659756]: osapi_support.c(770) 2026 %% Failed to send 236 byte message to 192.168.xx.xx on socket with fd 18. Error 22 (Invalid argument).

They are coming from a pair of HP network switches that log on a central syslog server and I've not been able to put any rhyme or reason to them other than the target message is destined for either my laptop or desktop. Finally after a week of leaving a tcpdump running on the desktop I captured a packet. They are snmp packets aimed at and the switch is complaining about sending the reply.

As it has taken a while to track this down I thought I'd put it here for the record. Its coming from libsane and is triggered by udev (via colord) every time a USB device is inserted into the linux box.

Knowing where it came from allowed a more "targeted" search and turns up this : https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/i42gdq/why_ubuntu_send_out_5_udp_broadcast_when_you/

I ran  "sed -i 's/^net auto/#net auto/g' *.conf"  in /etc/sane.d, then edited dll.conf to comment out the dell driver.
After all that I found there were no deps on colord on either system so I removed that also.

Checking my logs it has been going on for years.


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