[plug] plug homepage
Nick Bannon
nick at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Mon Jan 29 15:41:28 AWST 2024
Welcome, Rob! Hope to see you soon - are you coming to tonight's event?
On Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 02:18:05PM +0800, Rob wrote:
[from below]
> If extra pairs of hands are needed to get some of this working again, I'd
> definitely be keen to get involved.
Delighted! Our tightest resource is volunteers, PLUG is what we
make it. We have 2-3 meetings per month and a little effort could
be leveraged a long way.
1. It needn't be technical - the "ops" part of running an organisation
can involve:
- drinks and snacks/"quartermaster"/catering
- venue liason
- speaker liason
- sponsors
- social media event promotion
2. The tech "infra" items below could certainly use extra hands
3. ...and then there's special "Projects":
- Audio/Video refresh and grants
- CI/CT/CD for the above "infrastructure"
> Has anyone noticed that very little on the plug homepage actually works?
> "Our Mailing list is free to join" goes to a dead link
Technically, I believe that link is working? but come along and hear about the:
In the meantime: subscribe the traditional way, by email
> The IRC channel is reachable, but empty.
This list is probably a better option, or in-person meetings.
I believe you joined IRC for an hour or two last month and we had a chat. Most
people "lurk" and/or check in occasionally (or use it as an easy collaboration
tool during events) - you'll have to be in luck to run into them that way.
> The mumble server didn't work for me, although I have never used mumble
> before so could easily not have set it up right (but there's nothing here
> to say what the correct setup should be)
It's functional, but could use an upgrade. We're using Bigbluebutton more.
> The membership page lists a shell account, but again no details of how to
> set it up other than enabling it on the webpage, trying to SSH in gives an
> authentication error - No supported authentication methods available
> (server sent: publickey)
I believe we've removed the main link to that:
Nevertheless, some of us would love to bring it back - the people who
use our systems have the right skills and incentive to step up to keep
them running. Anyone who can drive ssh(1) and git(1) could help us by
helping us get upgrades done to a minimum standard.
> It would be easy for someone coming to this group new (like me) to assume
> it was defunct.
> If extra pairs of hands are needed to get some of this working again, I'd
> definitely be keen to get involved.
Come along and find out!
See you soon,
Nick Bannon | "I made this letter longer than usual because
nick-sig at rcpt.to | I lack the time to make it shorter." - Pascal
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