[plug] Open positions on the PLUG committee

James Henstridge james at jamesh.id.au
Tue Jul 9 20:50:37 AWST 2024

We have recently had a few resignations from the PLUG committee, which
we would like to fill. Our constitution[1] allows us to appoint new
committee members to fill casual vacancies, so I'd like to invite any
interested PLUG members to email committee at plug.org.au with
expressions of interest.

Being on the committee involves a monthly meeting that is usually held
online one week after the regular meeting. The position would run
through to the next AGM (likely to be held in January) when a new
committee will be elected. The main task of the committee is
organising and promoting the monthly events (talks, PLUG in the Pub,

I look forward to seeing you on the committee!

James Henstridge.
(on behalf of the PLUG committee)

[1]: https://plug.org.au/constitution/current.html

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