[PLUG-AV] Next AV Project meet-up.

James Bromberger james at rcpt.to
Mon Mar 21 11:09:18 WST 2011

On 21/03/2011 10:40 AM, Tim Bowden wrote:
> Baby panadol works wonders.  ;)
I know - I LOVE IT! Yummy. Ohhhhh. (Plus there's CALPOL, a UK equiv with
nicer flavour).

> I can switch to Wed at short notice so no probs.  Either way, I think
> it would be a good idea to do a re-install of both those boxes from
> last week as there is almost certainly some artefacts on there that
> will either chew limited cpu, or do unexpected things that may not be
> welcome (ie, mail, web etc).  Take longer to sanitise than a full
> install I suspect (though saving the downloaded .deb's wouldn't hurt).
>  I'll bring my install cd's and dvd's.
Yep, a pair of complete physical media then. We still don't have a
working box that's earmarked as the inital DVSwitch host (which will
need full X (accelerated if possible to free CPU for video streams).

How about:

Mobile: +61 422 166 708, Email: james_AT_rcpt.to

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