[PLUG-AV] Requirements for Lotterywest

James Bromberger james at rcpt.to
Fri Apr 15 17:33:34 WST 2011

Does someone wan to have a stab at this? My comment in red.

  * A completed Lotterywest Grant Application Form (No problem here)
  * Your latest Annual Report if you have one, or AGM minutes if you
    don't and the most recent audited financial statements (No problem here)
  * A copy of your Constitution (No problem here; its on our web site)
  * Two written quotes for items over $3,000; a written estimate,
    advertised price, or one written quote for items under $3,000 (low
    value, miscellaneous items can be grouped together to $1,000) (No
    problem here; everything we're after is well under 3k, but we do
    need ot get quotes in fromt he parts list)
  * A scoping document or brief (Copy from our web site project page?)
  * Details of your information technology planning (Hmm?)
  * An independent needs assessment (for requests over $25,000) (Not
    needed here)
  * An outline of the proposed website content, including what it will
    provide and to whom (for website development grants) (Not applicable)

Mobile: +61 422 166 708, Email: james_AT_rcpt.to

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