[PLUG-AV] av last night & future workshop

Tim Bowden tim.bowden at mapforge.com.au
Wed Jul 13 15:26:34 WST 2011

On Wed, 2011-07-13 at 15:18 +0800, Jason Nicholls wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> You should have seen my msg to the list.
> In short the failure last night was due to:
> 1. relying on James
> 2. relying on Jason (and I wasn't there until 6:45 thanks to the
> crashes on the Kwinana fwy)
> 3. no documentation
> 4. continued audio issues
> All 4 of these are easily solved with a bit of effort and hence the
> need for a workshop. I think it'd be best to include James so that
> means sometime after Fri 22nd but before the next meeting.
> Last night I actually documented the whole process on AV2 but it needs
> to be verified and it would be good to automate bits if possible and
> otherwise make it more bullet proof. It also doesn't cover verifying
> the streaming is actually working.
> The audio is an ongoing problem but at least I worked out how to get
> it coming in on AV2 now (and it's in the docs). We really need
> something to deal with the poor levels though so hopefully the mixer
> James is bringing back from the US will do that for us.
> Here is my list of things we need to do in the workshop - please add
> your suggestions too:
> - label high-res screen for AV2 (and as the DVswitch host)
> - docs: add steps to verify streaming is working
> - verify entire process as documented and time it from
> pile-of-stuff-out-of-car to recording.
> - ensure print-out of process is included in kit
> Jason Nicholls

I need to issue a "mea-culpa".  I got snowed under and completely missed
the event.  Which meant that the camera I have which is usually the
sound source wasn't there.  Sorry.

I am able now to offer storage for the kit in Subiaco if that helps at


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