[PLUG-AV] Spending the Grant: Mumble session, tomorrow, 7:30pm.

Leon Wright techman83 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 11:49:56 WST 2012

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 11:42 AM, James Bromberger <james at rcpt.to> wrote:

> I just spoke to Lenovo and they directed me to the 420S with USB3 and
> ExpressCard at $1499! I dont know if new stuff is categorically shipping
> with USB3 - there's still plenty new models coming out with only USB 2.
> I'm looking at the T520 Essential at $1199.00 and dont see firewire
> on-board. Comparing the T Series only the 420s is listed as having USB3:
> http://shopap.lenovo.com/SEUILibrary/controller/e/auweb/LenovoPortal/en_AU/catalog.workflow:category.details?current-catalog-id=3634951826AE4D3881BFFF1AC5FCD957&current-category-id=DAC8328277334121A9689D56A86ED32F&tabname=Compare#tabstart

The T420s is the portable version of the T420, it will be more expensive.
The T5xx is really a desktop replacement type model. I'll ask our vendor if
he can do us a deal, we buy quite a lot through them.
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