[PLUG-AV] Matterhorn

Euan de Kock euan at dekock.net
Mon Feb 4 15:07:01 UTC 2013

Hi Guys,

Quick update.

I've installed the gst-switch code, and managed to get it to run with a 
more current version of gstreamer.

After fixing a few C errors in the code, I've got it running - but it 
does not appear to do very much at this stage.

I'll keep digging to see if I'm missing something - but I may need to 
pick up the coding myself to move this forward - lets see.



On 02/04/2013 11:53 AM, Leon Wright wrote:
> Guys,
> I've had a quick look at matterhorn, I reckon we should spin up an AWS 
> instance, get zookeeper and start working on an implementation pairing 
> with matterhorn. Possibly running our monthly talks as mini 
> conferences or something (with test data).
> It looks like matterhorn can integrate automatically with youtube as 
> well! It can handle GStreamer sources and I saw a lot of references to 
> RESTful APIs.
> After sitting with Paul Wayper and wading through Veyepar code, I can 
> tell you right now that I will do everything in my power to never use 
> it!!!
> Matterhorn:
> http://opencast.org/matterhorn/
> Also another technology we talked about at LCA gstswitch:
> https://github.com/duzy/gst-switch
> Videos from the conference are starting to appear to here:
> http://mirror.linux.org.au/pub/linux.conf.au/2013/mp4/
> Leon
> --
> DRM 'manages access' in the same way that jail 'manages freedom.'
> # cat /dev/mem | strings | grep -i cats
> Damn, my RAM is full of cats... MEOW!!
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