[plug] Meetings at other than DEC.
Leon Brooks
leonb at ami.com.au
Sun Jul 5 09:34:47 WST 1998
chris mcdonald wrote:
> I'm disappointed to read that there's some suggestion that PLUG meetings
> in our CompSci building have been lacking,
Uh, I wouldn't exactly come to that conclusion.
I think the significant "1B" vote may have four different reasons,
namely that (1) monday night was convenient for many people (2) many of
the votes have commented positively about my tognue-in-cheek "more
linux" rating, leading me to suspect that a significant section of our
community want a bazaarish meeting format for at least some of the
meetings and (3) of the people who did forge ahead through the
uncertainty and attend the UCC meeting, all have responded positively
about the environment, untidy though it was and finally (4) more than
one of our group are UCC members as of approximately last meeting.
Perhaps we should move the venue through other groups occasionally to
see how many new members "stick?" (-:
I personally quite like CompSci, and if Compaq "kiss 400 jobs goodbye"
Management ever get snotty and boot us out, it would be high on my list
of replacements.
> but this may be some backwash
> against my having to cancel the last meeting at short notice,
I think the sudden cancellation will only have caused panic on the one
night, and mostly by me. (-:
I fully understand these things - my good wife has a habit of wanting to
bail out of things at the very last minute.
> To reiterate, CompSci is happy to host future meetings, however
> infrequently this is desired. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights
> are on offer.
If anyone votes "move in time not space," please specify Tue, Wed or
I think Tue is not so good because we already have a Tue meeting: people
who can't attend on Tue (-: which at one stage included one C McDonald
:-) are disadvantaged.
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