[plug] on meetings and AGMs

chris mcdonald chris at cs.uwa.edu.au
Tue Nov 10 11:28:07 WST 1998

Can I make a couple of friendly (quiet) suggestions about PLUG meetings
and AGMs?  These have been prompted by the observation that most PLUG
email traffic falls into a couple of categories, and a suspicion that we
may be alienating potential members who are not in the fortunate clique
of being able to read and reply to email at 10 minutes' notice.

- the PLUG Web page be updated in a timely fashion to reflect the date,
  location, and topic of the next/current meeting or two (with no offence
  to Ian who, like us all, gets very busy).  If activities were a bit more
  planned and advertised (yes, that's why we need a committee!), I think
  we'd pick up a few more faces.

- that questions about where/when the next PLUG meeting be answered with
  reference to the Web page, and/or the PLUG list-server be amended to
  append the next/current meeting info at the tail of all messages.

- the AGM be given a bit more of a public airing (in The West?), a few
  weeks' notice, and now be combined with a Christmas meeting.  WAUG
  Christmas meetings were well attended;  suggested locations for a PLUG
  AGM/Christmas meeting would be The Albion or that one in South Perth
  (Windsor? opposite the Zoo) where you can cook your own BBQs.
  Hence no presentation.

And just for the record, it must have been another Chris who may have
nominated me (Leon?).

      Position   |            Nominator            |
		 |   Leon         |   Neil Hunt    |
    Chairpersion | Gary (declined)| Leon           |
		 | Chris Mcdonald |                |
    Vice-Chair   | Chris Mcdonald | Chris          |
    Treasurer    | David Campbell | Ian Kent       |
    Secrtary     | Me             | Me             |

I'll be toffy-nosing it in the New Hampshire Ivy League for 4 months
of '99, so I'll be happy to be "just" nominated as a standard committee
member if we have those.

chris at cs.uwa.edu.au
"An operating system where you press 'Start' to stop it - I'd like to see that"

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