[plug] on meetings and AGMs
Kent Ian
Ian.Kent at fujitsu.com.au
Tue Nov 10 11:43:01 WST 1998
snip ...
>- the PLUG Web page be updated in a timely fashion to reflect the date,
> location, and topic of the next/current meeting or two (with no offence
> to Ian who, like us all, gets very busy). If activities were a bit more
> planned and advertised (yes, that's why we need a committee!), I think
> we'd pick up a few more faces.
No offence taken. You make a good point but ...
I would also need a little more notice of confirmed topic etc.
>- that questions about where/when the next PLUG meeting be answered with
> reference to the Web page, and/or the PLUG list-server be amended to
> append the next/current meeting info at the tail of all messages.
I have taken your suggestion regarding a table but mostly it has meeting to be
confirmed in the Subject/Activity column.
snip ...
Ian Kent
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