[plug] Conference of Australian Linux Users.

David Campbell campbell at torque.net
Thu Oct 8 07:00:15 WST 1998

From:           	Paul Rusty Russell <Paul.Russell at rustcorp.com.au>
To:             	plug at linux.org.au
Subject:        	[plug] Conference of Australian Linux Users.
Date sent:      	Thu, 08 Oct 1998 07:29:50 +0930
Send reply to:  	plug at linux.org.au

> Hi all,
> 	Ever thought of speaking at a conference?  Imagine the
> prestige (*cough*).  Well, at least you'd get a free airfare and
> accommodation in Melbourne.

I missed the Peter Anvin's talk as I was in Port Douglas for a conference presenting a 

> 	I'm going to be in Perth from the 13th (for the LUV meeting)
> through to the 18th of this month.  I'm in town to promote, ferret out
> speakers, and get feedback, and find a WA point of contact for the
> Australian Linux Conference (CALU '99).  The official announcement (&
> web page, etc) will go out in a few weeks.

When will this be?
I have mid Sept 99 pencilled in for a conference in Melbourne (probably).
I have late Sept 99 penciled in for a conference in Newcastle (definitely).
> I'll be at the meeting to ask and answer questions.
> Unfortunately, I am not on this mailing list, but I'll be following
> the archives (EMailing me personally isn't likely to reach me before
> the PLUG meeting anyway, since my laptop is being repaired ATM).

*surf/search www.linux.org.au*

Can't seem to find any details on CALU '99 on www.linux.org.au, although I see that 
W.A.L.U.G are having a Linux Expo (10/Nov/98 - $5 per head). Never heard of 
W.A.L.U.G. before, not even listed on the Linux Aus as a user group in WA.
URL => http://www.linux.org.au/events/

Could someone shed some light on this Linux Expo?
Chris Cornish doesn't appear on my list of mailers to the plug mailing list.

David Campbell
campbell at torque.net

Current project list:
a) Maintain Linux ZIP drivers
b) Create Linux chipset specific parport drivers
c) Start on ParSCSI drivers

Any assistance to clearing this list most welcome

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