child porn? Re: [plug] Internet Oppression (again)

Matt Kemner zombie at
Mon Aug 16 10:40:34 WST 1999

On Sun, 15 Aug 1999, John Menzies wrote:

> >Child porn widespread on the 'Net? I challenge you to find a child porn
> >website (a real one, not the ones using legal [18yearold] models dressed
> >up like little girls and using the 'fame' of child porn to get hits)(This
> >practice is morally wrong but thats another story)
> Want to put some money on it - the winner to donate the winnings to an 
> agreed charatible organisation.

I would think VERY carefully before doing this.
Searching for child porn on the 'net for whatever reason, makes you a
pedofile and you may find yourself into a lot of trouble.

I know someone who was browsing the
newsgroup, with a neigbour, looking for porno images of adult women,
however someone had posted a few child porn images in amongst the group,
and the subjects of the messages did not convey this fact.  So when he
clicked on them and downloaded & decoded the images, and realised what
they were, he quickly closed them and went on to the next images in the
group (legal ones) without realising his newsreader cached downloaded
messages.  His neighbour thought it would be a good joke to dob him in for
downloading child porn, and when the cops seized his PC, they found these
images on his drive (in the cache directory but that did not seem to

I have no idea what ended up happening to him - he was a customer of ours
and rang to let us know why he was cancelling his account.

Meanwhile I'm wondering when the cops are going to walk into a random ISP
and walk off with their news server and/or proxy server and charge the
owners for possession of child porn images, which I'm certain there are
several of on all news & proxy servers.

 - Matt

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