[plug] Couple of strange ones..

Garth Atkinson garth at cclinic.com.au
Mon Aug 30 21:25:25 WST 1999

Christian wrote:
> Brad Campbell wrote:
> > Is there any way to tell named to query the local hosts file as well?
> > I can't seem to locate it in the docs.. tho I have been known to be
> > blind at times..
> I would like to know this too. :)  For memory, OpenBSD (probably other
> BSDs) includes a directive in /etc/resolv.conf to allow you to tell the
> resolver to look in the /etc/hosts file before attempting to query a
> nameserver - I haven't been able to find any Linux equivalent... (sorry,

Doesnt the /etc/resolv.conf 'order' directive achieve this?

# search /etc/hosts first, then DNS lookup...
order hosts,bind

Or has it use been discontinued?


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