[plug] New Years' Resolutions

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.smileys.net
Sun Jan 24 09:06:00 WST 1999

Chris Cornish wrote:
> ---Leon Brooks <leon at brooks.smileys.net> wrote:
> > Should we add other 'phone numbers to the
> > Web page? If so, who wants theirs added?

> Leon feel free to add mine it is 0416 369 180

Uh, if we decide to go ahead with this, Ian's actually in charge of the
web site.Is it a good idea to put mobile numbers and email addresses
(perhaps a bit spam-protected?) up for all or some our daemons, er,
paenguins, er, officers? I think so. How about y'all? How about the
other officers?

> > Are there any expos or such-like that we could have a stand at?

> Computer Expo If it runs this year i will try and get friendly with
> the orginiseres ( if im not already)

Good! The more the merrier. If Chris hits pay dirt, who could donate a
few hours of time to (wo)man a stand?

> > Any other ideas?

> would it posible for us to advertisie in the paper again?

Yes. Now looking into that again. WAN had a reshuffle some time ago. I
have been told that the GM is "a luddite" and thinks that the Internet
is a passing fad... however...

The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common.
Instead of altering their views to fit the facts, they alter the
facts to fit their views... which can be very uncomfortable if you
happen to be one of the facts that needs altering.
 -- Doctor Who, Face of Evil

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