[plug] New Years' Resolutions

Greg Mildenhall greg at networx.net.au
Sat Jan 30 00:14:35 WST 1999

On Sun, 24 Jan 1999, Leon Brooks wrote:
> Chris Cornish wrote:
> > ---Leon Brooks <leon at brooks.smileys.net> wrote:
> > > Are there any expos or such-like that we could have a stand at?
> > Computer Expo If it runs this year i will try and get friendly with
> > the orginiseres ( if im not already)
> Good! The more the merrier. If Chris hits pay dirt, who could donate a
> few hours of time to (wo)man a stand?

Consider me volunteered for this one, if and when it comes 'round.

> > > Any other ideas?
> > would it posible for us to advertisie in the paper again?
> Yes. Now looking into that again. WAN had a reshuffle some time ago. I
> have been told that the GM is "a luddite" and thinks that the Internet
> is a passing fad... however...

Well, I think we should come up with something to advertise.
Like, say a talk. 
That's a thought. 
That's a very good idea. 
That's a very broad hint.
Would reposting the list of possible/desired topics be likely to convince
anyone to give us a talk or tutorial or demonstration, or anything?

-Greg Mildenhall

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