[plug] Updated Lesson 1 - for Introduction to Computers and Linux Manual

Christian christian at global.net.au
Mon Mar 1 11:49:03 WST 1999

Chris Cornish wrote:
> Christian i totally disagree with you here im sorry to say. David is
> working hard to get People educated with linux. Now as a lug one of
> our purposes is to promote and teach linux. David is doing just that
> and his posts here mean we can all see his work and correct
> technicalitys (well it is spelt something like that. We here at PLUG
> proberly have a better chance of doing this than the computer bank
> peopple (no offence to the computerbank peopple). i say this becouse
> there are more here that just do linux ( i belive ).

This is all pretty much correct however my point is quite simple:

- Some people are interested in the ComputerBank project (and
subsequently David's efforts to develop material for it)

- Some people aren't that interested at all.

- Those people who are interested should join the computerbank mailing
list that was setup specifically for this purpose. (I vaguely remember
Gary setting up a mailing for this because of the increased Computer
Bank traffic on this list - if I've imagined this then I apologise and
retract both this and the previous email. :)

- Those people who aren't interested need do nothing.

Quite simply, there are a lot of people out there who probably don't
have the time (or inclination) to read David's work and hence whenever
an email update comes along regarding CB they just delete it or skim it
and don't visit the site.  Having said that, I'm sure there are plenty
of people who want to help out with this project and there can be plenty
of discussion generated regarding it - and the computerbank mailing is a
good place for this to happen.  I suspect that the first group outnumber
the second and hence my suggestion that the computerbank stuff go to
that particular mailing list.

I hope that makes my position clear - if everyone feels that they want
to keep seeing the ComputerBank emails (despite the existence of a list
specifically for this purpose) then naturally it's best that they
continue.  If the majority of people however aren't able/willing to
contribute to the CB project and give the feedback requested then it's
probably better that those who are interested join the other list and go
from there.



I'm not trying to give users what they want, I'm trying to give them
freedom, which they can then accept or reject. If people don't want
freedom, they may be out of luck with me, but I won't allow them to 
define for me what is right, what is worth spending my life for.
                                                    - Richard Stallman

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