[plug] CD not free.

steve at rumah.iinet.net.au steve at rumah.iinet.net.au
Sat Mar 13 08:18:24 WST 1999

I haven't been to a meeting, or paid any subscription yet, but...

I feel the value in joining a user community is in the hard information to
be gained by pooling collective understanding.  

Believe me, never having had the benefit of formal computer training I
have found the documentation side of linux to be a maze, sometimes with no
visible way out.  I dropped uucp over tcp for that reason.   Had I had
access to the knowledge in this group, or the time to search further for
info in newsgroups that I don't have time to read, I might have got it

When I join plug I want the satisfaction of being a contributing member of
a group centred around enjoying and learning Linux (with a little
proselytizing thrown in :)

Access to the various linux distributions is not hard to get, although a
full download takes a while at 14400.  Everybody probably wants different
things from linux, so providing a fixed contents CD might be a bit

Most people wanting to join plug will probably already have installed
Linux, and having found it to be good are looking for ways to make it
better for them.

I want to know that I can get the latest and best software in a given
area, for example should I download Star Office, or would another product
be more compatible with the stuff I need to do (like read that pricelist
in Excel format that even Lotus SmartSuite in windoze95 can't read).

Making software available on CD is a good idea, I think, but letting
people choose what they want on the CD is even better.  I don't have
access to a lot of software, having a 33k6 modem on a 486dx280 and about
1Gb of HD, but I have a PII with a CDRW drive (running w95 for video
editing) with which I could make up a few disks per month from other CDs.

I propose charging $10 per disc, with plug getting $5, the person doing
the burning gets the other $5, from which they buy the blank and cover
electricity/wear&tear and, in my case, a $1 scratchy to help pacify the
wife for all the time spent on the computer.  :)

Well, that's what I reckon anyway.


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