[plug] X-Windows, without the local graphics?

Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima tony at cantech.net.au
Thu Mar 18 11:58:31 WST 1999

On Thu, 18 Mar 1999, Trevor Phillips wrote:

> Bevan Broun wrote:
> > 
> > I think you confused about which is the X server. The X server is the
> > machine running a version of X and allows client programs (which may be
> > running on the locally or remotely) to display. In your case the X
> > client is the graphical application that is running on your monitorless
> > machine and the Xserver is the machine on to which you want the
> > application to display.
> *slaps forehead*
> And after just teaching that to my students the other day. ^_^;;
> Ok, let me try and make it a bit clearer. I'd like xdm (or better still,
> kdm) running on a machine without loading a local X server, such that
> remote machines (X Terminals) can connect to it via X -query name.

Basically Matt hit the nail on the head:
1) install xdm (kdm later)
2) edit /etc/X/xdm/Xservers (or the equivient, man X)
3) as root, (or from inittab) run xdm.

That does it ... adm will run and you can connect to it with any X client.

I use this at home ... Then I use refletion X to run xterm etc etc :)

Yours Tony.

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