[plug] APC Redhat 5.2 PPP connections

Tony Clark tony at ballist.net.au
Sun Mar 21 12:30:33 WST 1999

After a few messages in here I took a look at the APC Pocket book to see why it
seemed to be causing so many problems for people to get ppp up and running
with their ISP.

The basic intructions for using the control tool seem ok..They warn you off it
and get you to use xisp.  This is where there are some problems with the

The following I hope will clear this up a little.

cd /tmp
tar -zxvf /mnt/cdrom/APC/SRC/bxform-088-glibc.tar.gz
tar -zxvf /mnt/cdrom/APC/SRC/xisp-2_5p4.tar.gz
cd xforms
make install
cd ../xisp-2.5p4
vi Makefile
comment all lines that relate to slackware!
The Redhat section should look the same as below

# # Red Hat vars (use the lines defining -lcrypt in EXTRALIBS
# and -DGLIBC2 in EXTRADEFS for version >= 5.0). Reportedly,
# the following is also good for SuSE Linux 5.x distributions
BINX11    = usr/X11R6/bin
USRLOCAL  = usr/bin
SBINDIR   = usr/sbin
VARRUN    = var/run
OPTSDIR   = etc/ppp
MANDIR    = usr/man/man1
ETCPPP    = etc/ppp
GROUP     = root
EXTRALIBS = -lcrypt
INSTALL   = install

save the Makefile


If there are no errors

make install

xisp should then work correctly.

Have fun


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