[plug] What do you school-age members think of SlashDot'sHellMouth articles?

Christian christian at global.net.au
Wed May 5 09:34:47 WST 1999

brian coleman wrote:
> Christian,
> I'm not sure whether to cry or challenge you over your ignorance about
> societies outside the comfortable AUSTRALIAN society you continue to make
> your remarks from.

I am Australian.  I live in Australia.  I spend most of my time in
Australia.  Australia is also where I plan to spend most of my time in
the future.  This is a list with a distinctly (West) Australian
perspective - why, therefore, shouldn't I make my comments about

Additionally, I doubt you have any idea of the state of my knowledge
about societies and cultures outside of Australia - if you did, you
wouldn't make the ignorant comments you do above.

> As one of those who have fired a firearm as part of the
> AUSTRALIAN society of the time I am becoming increasingly intolerant of the
> political cant of some of the members of our society who fail to do even
> basic research into the situations they make comments on.

It's seems rather disjoint to criticise the narrowness of my point of
view (being supposedly restricted to Australia) and then focus the rest
of your comments on Australia.  Oh well.

As for my lack of basic research (such a statement surely highlights
your own ignorance - although you probably won't realise why), you don't
explain what it is that I've stated which is false.  Instead you just
rant and rave about how intolerant you are.  It seems perhaps you are
not the sort of person I'd like to see own a gun.

> P.S. I was going  to make a remark about the level of expertise you show in
> some of your technical comments but I'll leave that alone apart from a
> comment about engaging brain before fingers!

Whatever.  You can say what you like about my expertise and try and hide
behind your Hotmail address but it's rather pointless and childish. Not
that that should surprise me.  Anyway, I'm happy to admit that I make
mistakes and that I don't know everything and unlike some people, I'm
very open about the things I don't know since that way I'm likely to
learn more.  I can only remember a couple of incorrect things I've said
on this list - and I'm glad I said them because someone corrected me and
now I understand the issue better.

Anyway, if you intend making further personal comments, I suggest you do
so off-list.

> PS2 This is so far of topic my only post on it.

You made a very snide and insulting comment about someone else's
spelling on this list some time back.  People in glass houses shouldn't
throw stones.  But I suppose throwing stones (or pulling triggers) is
easier than being coherent and engaging in rational debate.

As I said before, if you want to continue this - do so off-list.


I'm not trying to give users what they want, I'm trying to give them
freedom, which they can then accept or reject. If people don't want
freedom, they may be out of luck with me, but I won't allow them to 
define for me what is right, what is worth spending my life for.
                                                    - Richard Stallman

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