[plug] Modems

Luigi Cantoni lui at stm0001.dialix.oz.au
Fri Nov 26 09:03:49 WST 1999

> What modems do people recommend?
> I've been using a wave sp33k6 - I won't be getting another Wave.
> My IAP reckons USR roadsters work with his Netcom smartmodems, but he's 
> also about to upgrade to 56k so who knows how good THAT advice is?
> I think the problem with the Wave is it's sensitive to noise, with the 
> result it drops connexions regularly.
> I am thinking, though, that a USR message modem might be a good choice. 
> Opinions people?
I have only just started using Linux with viger but I have
used modems for a LONG time. Bad luck. They all appear to be
too sensitive to noise etc. Remember the actual phone equipement
is designed to treat what we consider data as probably noise.
For a technical reasons as to why we have gone too far you will
need to talk to real phone engineers (not techo).
If you get a good line and you need a long connect then yes faster
better but if you need short connect and reliability is what is
wanted then any modem without fax or voice is best (You cannot
buys these anymore). This of cause does not help if you don't
control the other end as this only inproves it by 10%.
It so depends on the lines etc that what works for one person for six
months suddenly becomes horrible or cannot work for another. As I
said before BAD LUCK.

Thanks Luigi

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