[plug] Partition sizes on a new install

SweenyTod sweenytod at sweenytod.com
Wed Aug 2 12:03:58 WST 2000

At 11:54 AM 2/08/2000, you wrote:
>Thats one of the things that suck about the english language - they
>dropped the 2nd person singular pronouns (thee,thou,thy etc). I meant
>you-plural, ie the list.

I failed english too.  That's why I went into programming.  I'm a firm 
believer that Microsoft's IDE should come with a spell checker.

>    mtab is the odd-man-out in /etc . It is a list of currently mounted
>partitions. Why this is kept in a plain file as well as the kernel, I have
>no idea.

Righty ho then.  Today I learned something new.

> > a look at my home machine (SSH rules) and it's got some cryptic file 
> system
> > stuff in it.
>You have a cryptographic filesystem?

Cryptic as in hard to understand.  Lemme guess.

/dev/hda1 / ext2 rw 0 0

first is the device, second would be mount point?, third file system type, 
then read/write attributes, then I have no clue.

none /dev/pts devpts rw,mode=0622 0 0

This one has got me.  A device of none?

>:-)  Problem is, Linux is Unix and cant just do its own thing completely.
>Lots of historical baggage, but not as much as Windoze at least, because
>we have the source.

We have the source!  But that's not much use if you don't understand it, in 
which camp the overwhelming majority of users probably are.

Long live helpful mailing lists I say.

Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd.    His skin was pale and his eye was odd.
Always trust an Australian with a razor.

http://www.sweenytod.com               Paranoid is normal, normal is good

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