[plug] Modules, kernels & samba(?)

Peter Wright pete at cygnus.uwa.edu.au
Wed Dec 6 12:26:02 WST 2000

Hi Scott,

On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 07:37:32PM +0800, Scott wrote:
> > > Say i have a small LAN using a Linux box that is a file server using
> > > samba as well as a basic internet gateway with about 5 windows
> > > workstations.
> > > The users have very little computer knowledge (point and click is
> > > about it).  They don't want permanent internet access and in fact,
> > > they  only want to dial up whenever they feel like it. I have set up
> > > a sudoers so they could telnet in and type "sudo pon bigpond" but
> > > even this is a bit difficult for them.
> > > Is it possible with samba to set up a shortcut or something that i
> > > could make into a icon so they can just point and click?
[ snip Andrew's diald suggestion ]
> No they want manual dial only, Dial on Demand has other problems other
> than the possiblilty of expensive costs. Windows has the uncanny ability
> to ask for a ppp link at the strangest times.

I think masqdialer is what you want.


I was going to explain it, but the web page does it much better, so go look
there. ;)


hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
240. You think Webster's Dictionary is a directory of WEB sites.

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