[plug] ISPs

Michael De Santis michael at harvestroad.com
Tue Dec 19 19:21:57 WST 2000


Has anyone on the list have a connection with new ISP (or not so new ) Eftel
?.  Like to hear about  their level of service and connection performance.


Kim Covil wrote:

> > I have been with Westnet for at least 4 years now and at $44 inc. GST per
> > month Unlimited Time, Unlimited Meg's, 5 Email addresses and 10Mb in web
> > space with FTP access they are great. Their support is voicemail and
> > operated 8-5 Perth time but not on sundays (I think) and they also have
> > support for non connection problems via ICQ.
> > The perth server has gone down once during 2000 and that was because of
> > Telstra's line upgrades. They covert the entire state and fully support
> > Linux (which they use on their servers (Debian Distro).
> I am with Westnet too... and am very happy with them... but their
> accounts are no longer unlimited downloads... this changed at the
> beginning of November... all new accounts are now limited to 750Mb
> before you get charged an excess (still a very generous limit by most
> standards)
> Cheers
> Kim
> --
> ======================================================================
> Kim Covil - CSIRO Exploration & Mining   E-mail: kimc at ned.dem.csiro.au
>             PO Box 437, Nedlands,        Tel: +61 8 9284 8425   ,-_!\
>             Western Australia  6009      Fax: +61 8 9389 1906  /     \
>                                                                *_,-._/
> =================================================================== v
>    Please direct all personal e-mail to kimbotha at covil.com.au

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