[plug] Redhat 6.0 - killing X

David Griffiths griffith at environ.wa.gov.au
Fri Feb 11 14:44:02 WST 2000

Sounds like you are running level 5 as the default init level. Try changing
the 5 to a 3 in the line
in /etc/inittab (logged in as root).


>Hi all,
>I'm hoping there are some Redhat 6.0 users out there that might be
>able to help me with this -
>I've got a Redhat Linux 6.0 machine with a fairly standard install,
>XFree86, Gnome, etc. I'd like to
>(a) kill X
>(b) change the startup scripts so it doesn't try to start X on bootup.
>Simply trying to kill the X process doesn't work - they just get
>helpfully restarted, which is driving me mad.
>Can anyone offer advice on the "correct" way to do this?
>Thanks in advance,


  David Griffiths                               griffith at environ.wa.gov.au

  Systems Manager
  Air Quality Management Branch
  Department of Environmental Protection            Phone:   61 8 9222 7151

  Westralia Square                                  Fax  :   61 8 9321 5184
  141 St Georges Tce
  Perth 6000
  Western Australia

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