[plug] Linux seminar at ECU.

Oliver White ojw at iinet.net.au
Thu Jul 27 18:23:20 WST 2000

I'd like to do my bit for linux advocacy, at my own university - Edith
Cowan. I'm in my final year of uni, and from what I've heard from my
lecturers, although they're very knowledgable about software
development, they're almost unaware of the concept of free software. I'd
like to change this.

I plan to conduct a seminar introducing the university staff and
interested students to the free software world. The talk would consist
mostly of the basic principles of free modification and redistribution
rights, our successes and our failures, and our future in the world of
software development.

I think this could be a collaborative effort on behalf of the plug
members, and perhaps we could talk to other universities if anyone
thinks this is a good idea. This seems to be as on topic as anything
I've ever seen discussed on this list, so I reckon we could conduct much
of the business of putting the seminar together on this mailing list,
with the caveat that we don't want to spam you all with every little

Anyway, all interested - say aye. Perhaps we could discuss this at a
future PLUG meeting.


Oliver White

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