[plug] Spoofed packets

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.smileys.net
Thu Jun 1 15:32:30 WST 2000

"Earnshaw, Mike" wrote:
> Monitoring the logs recently I see lots of attempts from
> to weird ports (>62k) on our ISP permanent assigned IP. Showing my
> ignorance, I assume these are spoofed packets since they are the private
> C which should be dropped?


> I traceroute the number and it goes back to somewhere in Melbourne
> before I loose it.

...in fact, they should be dropped by *every*single*one* of the nodes on
that traceroute. You should lose it at step 1.

ipchains -A input -s -j DENY -i $GATEWAY_DEVICE
ipchains -A input -s -j DENY -i $GATEWAY_DEVICE
ipchains -A input -s -j DENY -i $GATEWAY_DEVICE
ipchains -A input -s -j DENY -i $GATEWAY_DEVICE

Also recommend adding -l and sending any hits to probe at auscert.org.au,
as this might lead to someone becoming aware that they're cracked.


    loose (luws) == rattling/sleeps around
    lose (luwz) == misplace/finish last

If in doubt, don't use an apostrophe. (-:

If at first you don't succeed, try a shorter bungee.

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