[plug] wget a dirrectory tree

navarre at plug.linux.org.au navarre at plug.linux.org.au
Fri Oct 13 09:09:30 WST 2000

Good morning Plug

I was trying and failing to transfer the contents of a hard drive 
partition from
one linux system to the other by ftp on my internal network. I used the 

wget -r -m -l99 -nH -g on 

I get the likes of the following group of lines. The directory does exist
with valid content. 'old_d' is the mount point for the partition, the 
full mount point is /home/navarre/old_d. I placed this in the fstab file 
of the 
source machine and the user mounted the partition.

--08:55:04--  ftp://navarre:xxxxxxxxx@phillipe:21/%2Fold_d/data/web/*
           => `old_d/data/Electronics/*'
Connecting to phillipe:21... connected!
Logging in as navarre ... Logged in!
==> TYPE I ... done.  ==> CWD /old_d/data/web ... 
No such directory `/old_d/data/web'.

Both machines are Debian Potato:
GNU Wget 1.5.3
ProFTPD version 1.2.0Pre10

I can transfer files from a single directory and the receiving end will 
create and
place the files in that directory. It also refuses to recurse the 
directory tree.

Any guidance would be appreciated especially as to which end of this link 
causing the problem. With 20/20 hindsight I should have mounted the hard 
disk on 
the target machine and it would be all over by now. But I would not learn 
that way.

Thanks  Navarre

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