[plug] [ot] wanted cpu to suit socket 7 - amd k6?
erazmus at wantree.com.au
Tue Apr 3 22:08:33 WST 2001
At 08:19 PM 3/4/2001 +0800, you wrote:
>Socket 7. Is that what an old (5v) P1 goes in?
Er no, there are jumpers on the m/b for the different core voltages,
mine's set to 2.3v at present,
>Mine's a 75Meg unit, and i'd _love_ to plug in a faster cpu if that's
>- without spending a bundle, as it doesn't really seem worth it to spend
big on
>an old banger.
As someone poitned out - if the bus speed is low then the overall
benefit may not be much in comparison with going to duron,
>I did see ad's for a plug in daughter board of some sort that ran a K6-2 at 4
>hundred and something MHz which plugged into your trusty P1 socket. I seem to
>recall they cost around $160 or so (incl. CPU).
I;d be interested in that - any idea where - in Australia ?
>Does this discussion imply that i don't need the gadget? (It was meant to
do a
>3.3v conversion, too) Does a K6 run on 3.3v or 5v?
If you have a socekt 7 m/b for pentium then it very likely has several
different core voltage settings, also as someone pointed out one should
check the web page for the compatability.
5 to 3.3v convertors were IIRC used on 486 amd cpus in 5v sokcets,
the range of penitums/amd K6 etc take a wide range of core and also
bus voltages,
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