[plug] Fw: I am so sorry!Your hosts was hacked!

Simon Scott simon.scott at flexiplan.com
Mon Apr 9 10:45:00 WST 2001

	Sounds good in theory :) And for some it may work well. But ok, take
my example. I need identd open so I can connect to irc servers. 

	Thats why I get 3-4 attempts on it a week.

	So, my needs are small. But if you are actually 'serving' stuff,
your risk escalates. And if you have sendmail open, you are a fish in a
barrel :)

	>Correct me if I'm wrong, if you use ipchains and block all external
	>connectionts to your gateway than chances are, your safe? 


	From:	Travis Read <travisr at rave.iinet.net.au> on 09-04-2001 10:33
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