[plug] Printing problem (lprng/lpd config?)

James Bromberger james at rcpt.to
Mon Apr 23 20:37:18 WST 2001

On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 02:13:31PM +0800, Mike Holland wrote:
> Peter,
> I havn't used lprng, but ...

Move on! ;) Use CUPS. http://www.cups.org/. I know it has support for 
HP LaserJet 5 printers, not sure about 4. I have just finished configuring 
a Minolta Di250 photocopier to work through CUPS (using a postscript print 
driver and LPD on the Copier's internal print server)... CUPS is very easy 
to use, and has a web interface! It also supports IPP, the new print 
protocol that Windows 2K is implementing supposedly, and support is 
in SAMBA natively if you happen to be sharing your printer. 

Combine CUPS and Samba 2.2 with its PDC functionaility and point and print 
driver installation for NT and 2K workstations, its getting pretty good. No 
more Client Access Licences over here, thank you very much Bill! ;)

For the Debian ppl:
	apt-get install cupsys


 James Bromberger <james_AT_rcpt.to> www.rcpt.to/~james

       * *  C u in Bordeaux - 1st Debian Conference, July 2001 * * 
 Remainder moved to http://www.rcpt.to/~james/james/sig.html
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