[plug] "Illegal" characters in samba mounts?

Craig Foster fostware at iinet.net.au
Sun Dec 2 23:58:59 WST 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anthony Jones [mailto:ajones at clear.net.nz]
> Sent: Sunday, 2 December 2001 11:26 PM
> To: plug at plug.linux.org.au; Andrew Furey
> Subject: Re: [plug] "Illegal" characters in samba mounts?
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sunday 02 December 2001 23:15, Andrew Furey wrote:


> > Re Craig's point: No, I don't make filenames like "*
> > Conditions apply.txt" :)  It's just for this single
> > solitary MP3 from one of my albums, which technically
> > should have a question mark. I could always leave it
> > out, I suppose, but...
> This is a problem with MP3's.  The best rule is to have the
> ID3 tags correct
> with the '?' in it and have a close approximation in the file name.

If it's for MP3's I agree totally. The question mark shouldn't be that
important, and the IDv3 (or even IDv1) tag should have the question mark
anyway. xmms and WinAmp both can read in tags upon loading.

BTW, if this is just for sharing MP3s, why not try a v.small Apache and
Apache-MP3 combo? It allows streaming, fatching, and relies on the IDv3
tag instead of the filename... And Apache supports .htpasswd and Listen
for that touch of security (ie people on the net not stealing bandwidth
cos they found that MP3 they've been looking for). Just a thought.


Craig Foster

PS Sorry, I was a bit too tactless re:- my comments... It's seemed too odd
a Q from someone who's just set up Samba :)
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