[plug] sendmail problem

Jon Miller jlmiller at mmtnetworks.com.au
Thu Jan 18 07:33:33 WST 2001

Not sure if its sendmail or OL2K, but on several sites where users are using OL2K and sendmail (Linux RH6.2 servers) they complain when trying to send to multiple email address, the messages get stuck in the outbox and therefore never get to it destination.  But if they do one-at-a-time it works fine. Anyone run into a problem of such?

Also If a user decides to keep his email on the server (sendmail)  (again a setting in OLK2K) can he access the same mail both open and not open email from his home PC or laptop from a different location. From what I'm being told seems he has his pst files on his workstations.  The real question is if the setting on each workstation is to leave the mail on the server will this show the same e-mail no matter where they logged in from.

Jon L. Miller, MCNE ASE
Director/Sr Systems Consultant
MMT Networks Pty Ltd
PH: +61 8 9242 8600
FX: +61 8 9242 8611
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