[plug] A drastic response to memory problems

Russell Steicke r.steicke at bom.gov.au
Fri Mar 30 17:48:57 WST 2001

After lots and lots of failed kernel compiles (gcc exits with sig 11),
and running memtest86 without any errors, and experiments with wait
states etc in the bios, I finally succumbed and reduced the cpu speed
from 733MHz to 550MHz.  And now I can get a kernel completely compiled,
and I'm also hoping that this is the end of the random X crashes I have
been seeing.

I intend to leave the system this way unless I get further inspiration,
energy and time, as a reasonably quick but stable system is better than
one that is even quicker but flaky.

Has anyone else done this sort of thing in that circumstance?

Russell Steicke

-- Fortune says:
Moonchild without an opinion? Satan is skating to work tomorrow!
        -- Brett Manz

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