[plug] satellite card

Colin Rothnie Colin.Rothnie at tiwest.com.au
Fri May 25 07:56:07 WST 2001

I have both the Skymedia 200D and the Broadlogic 2030 satellite cards, and
the Skymedia card is great.  I was sent the driver when I purchased the card
and it seems to have been written (or recently modified) by some Australian
(WA I think) programmers and some Kiwis.

I am fairly certain Garret Krampe ( garret at satix.net ) has done a lot of
work with setting up these drivers and would probably be happy to send you
the latest version.  I can't see any reference to the drivers on his web
page (http://www.satix.net) though.

I am nowhere near the machine right now, but I can email you the drivers
tonight if you have no luck elsewhere.  

Colin Rothnie

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Jon  Miller [SMTP:jlmiller at mmtnetworks.com.au]
> Sent:	Thursday, May 24, 2001 10:09 PM
> To:	plug at plug.linux.org.au
> Subject:	[plug] satellite card
> Has anyone configured a Skymedia 200D satellite card for latest version of
> Debian?  If so where did you get the driver.

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