[plug] Rescue my RH7.1 from Win2k

Nathan D natdan at pobox.com
Mon Oct 1 16:52:15 WST 2001

Hi all,

Yes I have gone and lost my RH7.1 after installing Win2k :(
I have gone into "linux rescue" and can mount my / (dev/hda1) and move 
around the sytem but not seem to actually do anything beneficial :(  I have 
edited my lilo.conf to make a lilo.dummy but can not run lilo 
properly.  Initially it complained about not finding boot.b but after 
copying the file it complains about a hardware error with code 0x00 (or 
something similar)
I have googled all over the place and most sites refer to the rescue boot 
disk - which never got made.  Yes I know - ALWAYS have one handy - just in 
I have tried running mkbootdisk but even with the full path it says the 
file cannot be found.  I would rather not do a full re-install, but am 
prepared to - if it comes to the crunch.
Any ideas on which way to go now?
There seems a multitude of ways to dualboot win2k and linux so I am not 
sure which way works best.  Some favour lilo while other prefer the 
boot.ini of windows.  Again - any tips or preferences?

I know there *has* to be something simple that I am overlooking somewhere???


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      ,-_|\
.   natdan at pobox.com   .     /     \
.  Western  Australia  .  -> \_,-._/
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          v

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