[plug] Debian driver for Netgear FA311

Harry McNally harrymc at decisions-and-designs.com.au
Sun Oct 21 16:21:43 WST 2001


I've pulled out an NE compatible ISA network card and popped in a Netgear 
FA311 PCI jobbie.

The install floppy has Redhat 7.1 drivers and source code.

I've searched debian.org for FA311 and drawn a blank.

Can anyone point me to binaries for Debian or do I need to compile the 
provided source driver ?

This is an indoors-y (Roy and HG on the wireless) programming weather sort 
of Sunday, eh ?

Arrgh nearly forgot .. Woody testing, 2.2.18pre21, working towards 2.4.8-ac9


Decisions and Designs Pty Ltd, ACN 053 215 599
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Email: mailto:harrymc at decisions-and-designs.com.au
Web: http://www.decisions-and-designs.com.au

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