[plug] X freezes,

Rob Dunne robd at anville.wa.cmis.CSIRO.AU
Tue Oct 30 11:56:28 WST 2001

Peter Wright writes:
 > On Tue, Oct 30, 2001 at 08:36:50AM +0800, Rob Dunne wrote:
 > > Hi list,
 > >          well I found the solution. 
 > > the solution
 > > It was always the same screensaver!
 > [ ... ]
 > > That is a pretty mean sceen saver that kills a machine!!
 > Was it an OpenGL screensaver? (and did the other conditions apply as I
 > mentioned in my previous email?)
 > If so, it is likely to be a known problem with the Nvidia driver and Nvidia
 > hardware. When the machine is under load, it will sometimes lock up X just
 > as you describe above.

Hi Peter,
       I dont know what screensaver it is -- I cant find it in 
the gnome control center. So it could be an OpenGL screensaver.

Also -- if I set any screen saver it comes
on in about 10 seconds -- not the 10 minutes it is supposed to.
While playing with it I got this mesage and crashed some windows
anville>Connection lost to X server `:0.0

I dont have Nvidia hardware -- according to XFconfig-4 I have

        Device "ELSA GLoria Synergy"
        Monitor "Dell Ultrascan 21FS"

It seems to me that something is misconfigured. I will stick with 
no screensaver for the time being.

		   thanks for you help

 Rob Dunne         Fax: +61 8 9333 6121     Tel: +61 8 9333 6178
 CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences
 Leeuwin Centre for Earth Sensing Technologies 
 Private Bag 5, P.O., Wembley, Western Australia, 6913         
 http://matilda.vu.edu.au/~dunne  Email: Robert.Dunne at cmis.csiro.au

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