[plug] webcahe

Richard wpickett at iprimus.com.au
Mon Apr 22 08:01:13 WST 2002

On Monday 22 April 2002 7:38 am, Bill Kenworthy wrote:
> I run bind and squid on a (dell 8000) laptop that is mostly used as a
> desktop.  I had forgotten about bind in my previous reply, but yes,
> subjectively at least, both make a considerable difference in speed an
> responsiveness on a single machine.  I also use a redirector on squid to
> get rid of adds.  This makes a *major* difference across a modem as each
> add is often about 30k and rarely gets cached by any proxy as they are
> always changing.
> I set bind to get its queries from the upsream dns server you would
> normally specify in /etc/resolv.conf, which I just set to localhost (I
> think as I dont have it in front of me to check!)
> BillK
> On Sun, 2002-04-21 at 19:14, Richard wrote:
> > On Sunday 21 April 2002 6:40 pm, Leon Brooks wrote:
> > > On Sunday 21 April 2002 18:14, Craig Ringer wrote:
> > > > The problem now is that many
> >
> > Would you recomend using a proxy and/or bind even if you only have a
> > single user machine (dial up modem)? If so, where would bind send it's
> > request

Would I find details on how to set up a re-director in the squid docs? Also 
does bind automatically use resolv.conf or does it have to be set to look 
there? Below is a copy of my resolv.conf, I'm guessing that this is set by 
kppp automatically with each connection, in which case this should be ok for 
bind to use?

domain localdomain              #kppp temp entry
# search localdomain    #entry disabled by kppp

# ppp temp entry
nameserver # ppp temp entry
nameserver # ppp temp entry
nameserver        #kppp temp entry
nameserver        #kppp temp entry


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