[plug] Embarassing debian question

Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima tony at cantech.net.au
Tue Aug 6 11:48:03 WST 2002

Hello all,
	Well I come to you all with my cap in hand and ask a simple question.

When I wasn't in the country, someone "upgraded" a production server to
sid (doh).  I was curious to see how this would behave.  While I don't have 
any major problems with sid interms of stability. Sid is a moving
target and it's moving fairly quickly.  I spend a reasonable ammount
of time keeping the box in sync with sid.   This is becomming an annoyance

I would really rather take this box back to woody.  
I can just point apt at woody instead of sid BUT, I doubt me that apt will
like downgrading many of the packages back to the woody versions.

Does anyone have any advice that will ease the transition?

Yours Tony

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