[plug] Boot

Russell Steicke russells at plug.linux.org.au
Thu Aug 8 14:35:58 WST 2002

On Thu, Aug 08, 2002 at 02:22:46PM +0800, Craig Ringer wrote:
> >The "Debian way" is to use update-rc.d (check the man page) to update
> >all the System V init scripts, so my guess would be to look there.
> Unfortunately it seems to just remove the symlinks. Next update, they're 
> all back again. Additionally update-rc.d is (IMHO) pretty painful at 
> least compared to the chkconfig that mandrake 8 had (years ago when I 
> still used RH-based distros).

The man page says that if there is any link for the specified name in a
runlevel directory, then it will not make any changes in that runlevel.  
So you should be able to link a K??name script in every runlevel and have
update-rc.d never touch the links for that program again.  update-rc.d is
used by the post-install scripts, so all should be good.

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