[plug] adsl opinions

Craig Ringer craig at postnewspapers.com.au
Fri Nov 15 10:07:06 WST 2002

Bret Busby wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Craig Ringer wrote:
>>Not in my experience. They've been very good over the last few days at 
>>saying "we're not sure where the problem is yet but there is one" and 
>>then explaining clearly and usefully what is going on. Short answer - 
>>the wellington st exchange is old, unreliable and crap to the point 
>>where repair would require a bulldozer.
> [snip ... ] perhaps all 
> people on the list with ADSL access or intentions, and, especially those 
> who provide ADSL access (including resellers), could start publicising 
> the problems, and, lobbying politicians [... snip]
> I notice, Craig, that you are associated with a local rag.... (hint, 
> hint...) :)

In progress as we speak. All I've had to do so far is explain excactly 
how the ADSL services work with telstra's mixed retail/wholesale etc and 
the boss is already /very/ interested.

Don't know if it'll make it to anything in print though, Bret's just not 
interested in tech issues and plus its very hot water. We'll see.

If people on this list are willing to spend a little time, sit down and 
write a letter to editor at postnewspapers.com.au or 
letters at postnewspapers.com.au . Explain why its an issue, and how it 
affects you. Make it short and clear. If you can, bring in local 
(western suburbs) issues.

Key points:
- revolting bandwitdh excess charges can be worked up w/o realising, 
like clicking "quick start" in half life/quake or clicking the "watch 
live" option on say CNN.
- apallingly frequent downtime
- Telstra's attempt to convince the public that "megabytes cost money". 
(kinda - routers and "pipes" cost money, but once the hardware is in 
place the transmission cost is $0 except on some international links)
- there is stuff like 'net radio that you can do (if badly) on 56k that 
you can't afford to do on ADSL due to the pricing model. This is stupid, 
especially as "broadband" is marketed as being good for video, 
conferencing, etc.
- The _stupid_ cost per megabyte expressed in real-world terms like 
cost/hr on streaming media - I think I worked it out as $9/hour for 
128kbps audio streams on Telstra's ADSL plans.
- most plans dont' offer protection on data excesses by shaping but 
instead charge per megabyte. This is bad, the customer MUST have that 

So ... get writing. Letters are much more likely to get published on 
tricky subjects than editorial is, and a few letters on a topic can push 
  something from "interesting but not something we're looking at 
actively" to "get'-em!".

Craig Ringer
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