[plug] Installing new hardware the 'Debian' way.

Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima tony at cantech.net.au
Wed Nov 27 10:03:54 WST 2002

On 26 Nov 2002, Alan Graham wrote:

> I found that I did have the auto ethx entries in already.  After a bit
> of messing around, I decided to put the two entries into /etc/modules. 
> And Voila!  It all works.  I'm still confused about the alias entries in
> /etc/modutils/aliases, especially about the system entered "alias eth0
> off".  Do aliases not work under Debian in the same way as other
> distro's?

They work exactly the same.  It's just that the module config is more complete
under a debian system eg:

redhat-6.2: wc -l /etc/modules.conf  
      4 /etc/modules.conf
debian-sid: wc -l /etc/modules.conf
    108 /etc/modules.conf

It _should_ work the way craig suggested as BUT there are ordering issues
with update-modules, creating conflicting entries in modules.conf.

but it working now :)

Yours Tony

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