[plug] OO troubles

Mark Saxon marks at omninet.net.au
Mon Oct 7 20:23:29 WST 2002

Good to here OO is improving rapidly.  I use it exclusively now.
 I have a few problems with SO to OO files though
notably *.sdc SO 5.2  files opened in an final  build (I think) of OO 1.0.
I got this version of OO from the APC July CD set. No down loads
for me sadly.

I have two large spread sheets opened with this binary which are now
corrupted seemingly irrevocably.
Oddly (ironically)  *.xls files seem fine it has only mangled it own 
native file format.
I have reinstalled every verion of SO and OO I have laying around trying
to open them with no joy.  Has any one else had this problem and did you 
resolve it?

I'm now using 1.0.1 with MD 9 which is just dandy. Still takes a dickens 
of a time to
open though.


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